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A Yazidi woman who was kidnapped aged 11 in Iraq by the Islamic State group and subsequently taken to Gaza has been rescued after more than a decade in captivity there, officials from Israel, the US and Iraq said.
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When I arrived in the UK in 2017, I hoped to return to Turkey sooner or later. But I was in trouble with the Turkish Government for reporting and sharing news on social media. As a journalist, flying to the UK was a desperate decision to avoid arrest, prosecution, war and all the nightmares temporarily. Shortly after arriving here, I woke up one day to the news in the media that my flat in Istanbul was raided by the police. It was a hard day for me to accept that I had no...
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Turkey’s Constitutional Court has ruled that the rights of the former co-chairwoman of the pro-Kurdish Peoples’ Democratic Party (HDP) were violated in connection with the 2017 stripping of her parliamentary seat on terror charges, Duvar news site reported on Saturday.
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Sixten journalists who were detained in the predominantly Kurdish province of Diyarbakır during last week's police raids were remanded in custody early today (June 16).
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The police search in the offices of two production companies as part of an investigation into Kurdish media outlets has been completed 32 days after 16 journalists were detained during raids. The [Turkish] police reportedly seized computers, hard drives, cameras, microphones and other equipment.
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Members of the fascist group Greywolves have attacked a group of university students for listening to Kurdish music and performing the traditional halay folk dance in the southern province of Karaman. HDP MP Ömer Faruk Gergerlioğlu has brought the issue to parliament's agenda, while the Diyarbakır Bar Association demanded an effective investigation.