
The main goal of KurdishDB is to simply provide a place for those seeking to share and also for those looking for content on the internet of all things relating to Kurdish history, traditions, culture, language(s), news, politics, music, film, television, documentaries, books, research papers and many more.

Education & Knowledge

We want this to be educational and about sharing knowledge. We are an educational website foremost.

Credibility & Accuracy

In order to not mislead or miseducate we rely on the content shared here to be credible, accurate and trustworthy. All content is evaluated and re-evaluated all the time.


Ease of use, reliability and direct access to the information is our priority. Providing this to the reader/viewer and also the content creator/sharer so they may feel welcome in sharing and learning.

Helping Store & Archive

Sadly there are people out there who have been conditioned to try and remove or hide content relating to other cultures, history, traditions and people. It’s not all about being pretty and providing content. Helping protect, and archive important information for future reference and to ensure that that it is safe guarded is the final goal.

How can you help?

The website relies on contributors to share useful links and upload the content other people may be looking for. So if you want to be a part of this project, quite simply register and share whatever you have.

If you’re limited in what you can share; we always welcome support in terms of contributions and if that’s something you cannot provide then we ask that you simply spread the word and maybe someone out there you know may be able to contribute in one way or another.